Embracing the Pause : Embarking on a Journey to Self-Liberation

In this blog post, I share my personal experiences and reflections on taking an intentional pause in life. It is a journey of self-discovery, embracing the present, and pursuing what truly brings joy and fulfillment. I invite you to join me in evaluating your own circumstances and mindset, and take inspired action towards a life aligned with your deepest desires.

I find myself in a moment of stillness, finally experiencing the adventures and experiences I have longed for. Amidst the warmth of the sun and the calming sounds of the ocean, I am learning to slow down and avoid becoming overwhelmed by the uncertainties of the future. This decision to embrace this pause and invest in myself required immense courage and faith. While I have often spoken of my dreams of travel and immersing myself fully in body and spirit, I am now taking action because the desire within me could no longer be contained. Despite the excuses and obstacles that once held me back – work, finances, education, family, relationships, responsibilities – I chose to surrender to what was calling me. Today, I know in my core that I have made the best decision for myself, even if some may perceive it as fanciful, whimsical, or out right irresponsible. The only truth that matters is the deep conviction I feel within, and the complete trust in the process.


When people ask me about what I am doing and why I chose to take time from work, take my child out of school and travel on our own, I always explain that I am not running away from anything, but rather running towards something greater. My inner voice has demanded me to explore a path beyond my current experiences. It may seem simple, yet it requires stepping outside of our comfort zones and embracing the unknown. And that is exactly what I have been doing through travel and spiritual exploration. Travel has a way of connecting you to your inner guidance system and navigating the world with complete vulnerability and humility. I believe there are many women out there, both in my circle and beyond, who share a similar longing for something different, unconventional, and true to their authentic selves. My gift is to inspire and encourage these women to free themselves from their own mental and spiritual confines. It may be a challenging journey, but it is not impossible. Life is too short and beautiful to settle for anything less than our fullest expression of self.


As I continue on this pause and embark on my personal journey, I aspire to share my experiences and the experiences of others through my Evolving Doors platform and inspire women who may find themselves in a similar place. I encourage you to reflect on your current circumstances and mindset, and consider the following questions that supported me in getting more clear about what my soul was calling me to do:


  1. What is your greatest vision for your life?

  2. Do you feel deep within your core that you are currently on the right path towards realizing that vision?

  3. What are the predominant emotions and vibrations that shape your days? Take note of the environments, people, and activities that impact your energy.

  4. If all your needs were met, what is the one thing you would want to do right now?

  5. Based on your answers to the above questions, what conclusions can you draw, and how will you take action?


Embracing the pause and allowing ourselves the time and space for self-reflection and growth is a powerful act of self-love. By evaluating our circumstances and mindset, we can gain clarity on our desires and take intentional steps towards a life that aligns with our truest selves. I invite you to join me on this transformative journey of self-exploration through travel, wellness, spirituality, and entrepreneurship. Together, let us embark on a path that leads to greater fulfillment, joy, liberation and authenticity. 

Forever Evolving,



Diary of an Entrepreneur in Progress : Navigating the gap between where I Am and Where I Want to Be